Caston Binger

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Caston Binger 2021

Who is Caston Binger?

With almost 15 years of hands-on teaching experience, Caston Binger possesses the qualifications needed to promote a school district's philosophy, vision, and goals.


After establishing his career in the Rochester City School District, he now works as a vice principal in Syracuse, NY.  Although he has spent many years dedicated to the equitable learning and success of students, he considers himself to be a reflective lifelong learner who is deeply committed to supporting his colleagues, students and their families. This philosophy has enabled him to develop strong communication, interpersonal, organizational, and leadership skills, which allows him to cultivate a supportive  and collaborative learning environment.


As an administrator, Caston Binger continues to learn about the school community and its dedication and commitment to learning for all students. He is eager to work in a collaborative environment where his passion and enthusiasm for inclusive instruction can make a meaningful impact.


It is Caston Binger's firm belief that the work done in schools has a profound impact on student development, resilience, and, ultimately, their success. His aim is to provide leadership that will foster a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning community that contributes to the academic achievement of all students.